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THE WEEKENDER - 6m / 9.66km



Open to runners with a current points rating

Race can be run at any time throughout the specified weekend

Race result accepted if used from an alternative event on the same day.

Race distance is 6mile/9.66km. [Any result short of this distance will NOT qualify]

Overall NEGATIVE course elevation to be no greater than  -25 metres or -80 feet. [Any result beyond this elevation will NOT qualify] 

Upload your finish time and Strava session link within 48 HOURS post event.  [Use the details provided in your registration email]

Total entry fee distribution as follows:-

  1. Prizes - 50%  [25%,15%,10% 1st, 2nd,3rd // 1 to 9 Entries - 1st only  // 10 to 19 Entries - 1st & 2nd only // 

All prize-winning results will be checked and verified. All results can be publicly checked via the Strava VRR Group.


Event Date: 18th July 2020 00:00
Date Entries Close: 19th July 2020 00:00
Entry Limit: 50
Total Entered: 3
Total Remaining: 47


Location & Directions

Virtual, Running, Race, Any, Location

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